Final event of the project “Non-Profits & Media Advocating for good!” in Athens!

“How does a law change?” “How do I mobilize people?” “Are advocacy actions funded?” “Is advocacy for big organizations?” On the other side are important allies, the Greek media that communicate advocacy actions and assist in the implementation of ideas. But often suspicion and lack of communication is detected. The media are sceptical about the transparency of NGOs and the NGOs, for their part, do not trust the media and the validity of the information published....

Active Citizens Fund in Greece: Project «Non-profits & Media advocating for good!»

Advocacy is an internationally acclaimed tool for Civil Society, in its efforts to bring institutional change to important social problems. In Greece, especially in the periphery, advocacy activities are either limited or of limited efficiency, with exceptions in human rights, environmental or social welfare issues. This is attributed to 2 factors: Firstly, non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Greece lack knowledge and expertise regarding advocacy’s methodology and tools, in order to design and implement effective relevant activities Secondly, the negative image of non-profits in the media and the general public pose as an obstacle to the potential communication and collaboration of all parties for a good cause and their active participation to decision-making....